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#527 - 29.04.01 04:01 Bicycle shops
Fiona Fraser
Nicht registriert
I am from Canberra Australia and have found this web-site while looking for information about bicycle shops in Germany. I will be visiting Germany in July and am interested in buying a new touring bike. I have a 12 year old bike that I bought in the UK that is now very worn. It seems it will cost me as much to rebuild with modern components as to buy a new bike. It is very difficult (almost impossible) to buy proper touring bikes with touring geometry in Australia as mountain bikes seem to have taken over! However, I am still very fond of my touring bike and find it the best thing for commuting to work etc.
I thought I would look for a new bicycle in Germany, but will have only limited time as I will be there for business - so thought I would do as much as I could on the internet before I get there.
Can anyone recommend where I should go in or around Frankfurt to get the best service/deal for a touring bike. May also be in other cities - details still to be worked out. Any recommendations about which touring bike?
I am sorry that my German is very elementary and felt it best to post this in English.
Any replies gratefully received.

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#539 - 30.04.01 13:20 Re: Bicycle shops [Re: Anonym]
Nicht registriert
You should choose the bike by internet before your visit. Get information material at the internetsites
of german bike manufacturers. If u have choosen the bike u can get it at nearly every bikeshop here.
The only problem is to find a good shop, where u get best assistance to adjust the bike to your body.
At good shops, there won't any probs with modifications and changing parts.

I can't give a names and locations of good shops, cause I am livin' in the north. Maybe any other
here can help you.

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#554 - 02.05.01 22:00 Re: Bicycle shops [Re: Fiona Fraser]
Nicht registriert
Hi Fiona,

you need contacts to bicycle shops in Germany, yes? Look at my homepage - www.mtb-biking.de - and you find a lot of interresting Adresses of shops!


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#568 - 04.05.01 09:23 Re: Bicycle shops [Re: Fiona Fraser]
Nicht registriert
Hi, i can help you with that, there are two to three shops i can recommend:

bikeschmiede262 in Offenbach
bikemaxx in Darmstadt
world of bikes in Frankfurt

i bought mine at bikemaxx, picture on bikeadventure.de, see morocco trip. i just was in vietnam with it and everythings fine!

if you need more help you can contact me by my homepage bikeadventure.de or directly peter.proepper@gmx.de.



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#584 - 06.05.01 20:02 Re: Bicycle shops [Re: Fiona Fraser]
Nicht registriert
Hi Fiona,
I live in Frankfurt and if you get here give me a call and I can drive you around to shop for a bike. My Email is: kronsteiner@yahoo.com, I monitor my mail all day.

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#802 - 12.06.01 15:48 Re: Bicycle shops [Re: Fiona Fraser]
abwesend abwesend
Beiträge: 622
Dear Fiona,

we bought our touring bikes from a small manufacturer called guylaine, which is situated near Frankfurt in Ober-Ramstadt. You can have a look onto his bicycles at www.guylaine.de. They are quite expensive, but they are said to be very long-living (or long-lasting? - sorry, my english is very elementary as well).

Have a nice stay in Germany


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#807 - 13.06.01 15:14 Re: Bicycle shops [Re: Antje]
Alten Sausack
abwesend abwesend
Beiträge: 325
Hi Fiona,

my favourite bike shop here in Germany is Radsport Rose (check ou www. roseversand.de) . They have a huge store (4 floors with a few thousand square meters) and give best advice. They have any kind of bicycles and bike- components in stock and you can adjust any part you like to your requirements. Since they build up every bike according to the customers needs, it may take a few days before you receive the bike. But, as far as I know, they can also ship it.
The disadvantage of Rose (for you) is, that it is not in the direct vicinity of Frankfurt. (At least not in Germans consideration, as I know that distances in Australia are differrent) It is approx. 250 km north west of Frankfurt in Bocholt, near the dutch border.
If you need any further help, do not hesitate to contact me.

So long


Grau is alle Theorie - Wichtig is auf'm Platz
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