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#50821 - 21.07.03 17:43 Firth of Fourth
Carsten Bohnen
abwesend abwesend
Beiträge: 9

can anyone of you tell me how it is possible to cross the bridge over the Firth of Fourth by bycicle? We will start a tour in Edinburgh and go to the north, therfore I am most interested how to enter the bridge in South Queensferry and where to leave the bridge in North Queensferry.
Another question: Are cyclists allowed to drive on the A8 from the airport to Kirkliston?

It would be great if someone could help me planning our trip. Thanks in advance and greetings from Germany
Carsten Bohnen - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - http://www.carstenbohnen.de
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#50851 - 22.07.03 06:48 Re: Firth of Fourth [Re: Carsten Bohnen]
Mitglied Übernachtungsnetzwerk
abwesend abwesend
Beiträge: 1.066
Hi Carsten!

The Firth if Forth Bridge has got a cycleway and it's great fun to cycle on the bridge (did it last year) . I haven't got any idea about the A8 but I wouldn't recommend cycling on A roads near major cities. Try to find a signposted cycle route. I cycled from FoF Bridge to Edinburgh centre on a signposted route. Sometimes hard to find but better than the A road.

Good luck and have fun in Scotland!

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#51249 - 25.07.03 15:48 Re: Firth of Fourth [Re: Carsten Bohnen]
abwesend abwesend
Beiträge: 618
Hi Carsten,

last year I crossed the Firth of Forth by the road bridge which has a good bicylce lane and provides a very nice view on the rail bridge. I continued on the bike route to Edinburgh which runs next to the A90 and is one of the worst bicycle lanes I've ever seen even in GB where the road maintenance people seem to hate cyclists. Parts of that lane had been grown over with bushes so you need a cutlass to get through with your bike.
I suppose that the A8 should be allowed to cyclists because it is not an M road or there should be marked an alternative bike route. If I was you, I would go to Scotland by ferry, not by plane. Amsterdam-Newcastle is quite unexpensive, for example, and you can avoid the risk of getting your bike wrecked when they throw it on the airplane.

Good luck,

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#53969 - 21.08.03 16:41 Re: Firth of Fourth [Re: Carsten Bohnen]
abwesend abwesend
Beiträge: 343
funny how erverybody writes english though being german smirk
wo´s rauf geht, geht´s auch wieder runter
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#53999 - 21.08.03 23:26 Re: Firth of Fourth [Re: alexx]
Nicht registriert
Really funny is to amuse about our English instead of posting useful comments ... crazy
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