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#1121767 - 16.04.15 01:35 Cycling the Americas - new blog
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Beiträge: 8
Hi fellow bicycle travelers!

We are 19 months on the road now and recently changed our Dutch blog into a new English blog with lots of (if I may say so) amazing pictures!

Here's the link: Bicycle Junkies

Hope to see you on our blog or on the road!
Happy travels,

Elmar & Ellen aka Bicycle Junkies
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#1145382 - 23.07.15 15:58 Re: Cycling the Americas - new blog [Re: Fietsjunks]
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Beiträge: 10
That´s a beautiful blog and your travelling is the stuff of my dreams! Are you still on the road? Oh, I just found your "track my tour" writings. USA, USA! Exciting as well.

How are you faring? And how did you guys start blogging? Do you have any endorsements, sponsorships? I need to pick your brain to get started myself someday.

Take care and safe travels!
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#1145789 - 26.07.15 01:13 Re: Cycling the Americas - new blog [Re: Cyclenomad-J]
abwesend abwesend
Beiträge: 8
Thanks Cyclenomad-J!

Yes, we are currently cycling the GDMBR North to Canada.

We hope to keep riding for at least another 6 months, where exactly we don't know yet. Time will tell!

Nope, saved for this trip for quite a long time. wink

We've been blogging ever since we started cycling back in 2004, I just like to post some stories of our cycling trips and show where we've been with our photos.

We can give you one good advise: just do it! It's been the best decision ever!

If you want it, go for it! Enjoy!

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#1146270 - 28.07.15 13:02 Re: Cycling the Americas - new blog [Re: Fietsjunks]
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Beiträge: 10
Good to read Ellen!

Keep on enjoying your adventure!

I will start to prepare for a big trip, I always take pictures when I go cycling and I will try to write some stories with them and set up a little online presence of my own.

Will keep you Globikers posted here wink
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#1147088 - 01.08.15 20:43 Re: Cycling the Americas - new blog [Re: Fietsjunks]
abwesend abwesend
Beiträge: 1.185
Unterwegs in Mexiko

I shared your page on my bike4peace FB account... hope it helps, I will check it out when I have more time... preparing to cylcing to my own wedding, so you understand that I am a bit busy hahaha
Bike4Peace wie immer. Neues Ziel Patagonien, aktuell in Mexico.
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#1154221 - 01.09.15 12:11 Re: Cycling the Americas - new blog [Re: Cyclenomad-J]
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Beiträge: 10
I have been checking things out to start my own blog. Will probably set up something that resembles wordpress blogs.

Found a great package to work with in my opinion. Hope to have a blog up soon, I´ve already written some introductory texts detailing my travel plans. After that, it´s get on the road and go!
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#1155911 - 08.09.15 14:52 Re: Cycling the Americas - new blog [Re: Cyclenomad-J]
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Beiträge: 1.185
Unterwegs in Mexiko

Originally Posted By: Cyclenomad-J
I have been checking things out to start my own blog. Will probably set up something that resembles wordpress blogs.

Found a great package to work with in my opinion. Hope to have a blog up soon, I´ve already written some introductory texts detailing my travel plans. After that, it´s get on the road and go!

I use 1u1 too. You can go for it, but setting up a good wordpress needs time and good plugins. A blog can be a very time intense job... Prepare for that. And think about the theme that you use. Same about logo and fix pages. Theme is the most important... And finally content of course.
Bike4Peace wie immer. Neues Ziel Patagonien, aktuell in Mexico.

Geändert von _alexandros_ (08.09.15 14:53)
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#1160242 - 24.09.15 13:57 Re: Cycling the Americas - new blog [Re: _alexandros_]
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Beiträge: 10
Thx alexandros! Good luck with your blog and travels!

Geändert von Cyclenomad-J (24.09.15 13:57)
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#1161175 - 28.09.15 13:35 Re: Cycling the Americas - new blog [Re: Fietsjunks]
Herry B
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Beiträge: 10
Unterwegs in Deutschland

Cool blog Elmar! Thanks for sharing
Kommt der Regen schräg von vorn, regnets der Kuh direkt aufs Horn.
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